Agriculture BMP Financial Assistance



Agricultural Conservation Assistance Program (ACAP)

This program provides financial and technical assistance for implementing best management practices (BMP) throughout the state. Administered by the State Conservation Commission (SCC) with state, federal and private funding resources, ACAP is managed at the local level by County Conservation Districts. Applications are available from and should be returned to the delegated County Conservation District.

Link to ACAP application

Conservation Excellence Grant (CEG)

Created by an act of the legislature, this program provides financial and technical assistance to implement best management practices (BMPs) on agricultural operations in high-priority locations within the Commonwealth. Financial assistance may be provided through grants, loans and tax credits, or a combination of all three. CEG is administered by the State Conservation Commission and delegated to participating conservation districts for local implementation of the program.

Link to CEG page

Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP)

This program, administered by the State Conservation Commission, enables farmers, businesses and individuals to earn PA income tax credits to off-set the cost of implementing agricultural BMPs; protecting water quality while benefiting farm operations.

Link to REAP page

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